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FinTrU plants 10,000 trees across Northern Ireland and Donegal

FinTrU plants 10,000 trees to celebrate 10 years in business and the environment commitment banner

Celebrating FinTrU’s 10th birthday with 1,000 trees

FinTrU has expanded its annual tradition to plant 10,000 trees across Northern Ireland and County Donegal to celebrate the company’s 10th birthday – 1,000 trees for every year.

Since 2020, FinTrU has planted one tree for every employee on an annual basis. This year, FinTrU has decided to increase this further to commemorate the last decade, and to invest in the company’s continued environmental commitment.

FinTrU has again teamed up with Trees On The Land – a cross-border initiative working to establish young native trees across the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Trees On The Land's vision is to establish tree cover and woodland in rural and urban areas that will grow for many years and provide valuable resources, beneficial ecosystem services and a lasting legacy for future generations.

Commenting on the annual initiative was FinTrU Chef of Staff, Katrien Roppe: “As we celebrate our 10th year of business, we wanted to augment our support for FinTrU’s environmental commitment this year. As our footprint continues to grow as a company, we wanted to reaffirm our continued pledge to be an environmentally conscious organisation. We have always had this social purpose ever since our founding in 2013 and it will remain a key part of our future. We are pleased to partner again with Trees on the Land to ensure that the FinTrU trees are going to the locations that need them the most across Northern Ireland and County Donegal.”

FinTrU has employees based across Belfast and Derry/Londonderry in Northern Ireland and Letterkenny in County Donegal.

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