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Tradition continues with 1,200 trees for 2023

Advertising design. 1,200 trees purchased in 2022 to plant in Northern Ireland and Donegal in 2023

FinTrU announces it will plant a further 1,200 trees in 2023

A tradition now in its third year, today FinTrU celebrated its 9th birthday with the announcement that it will plant 1,200 trees across Northern Ireland and County Donegal next year.

Following on from the planting of 700 trees in 2020 and 1,000 trees in 2021, the 1,200 trees to be planted in 2023 represents a tree for every employee. FinTrU has again teamed up with Trees On The Land – a cross-border initiative working to establish young native trees across the 32 counties of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland – to ensure the birthday tradition continues.

 Trees On The Land's vision is to establish tree cover and woodland in rural and urban areas that will grow for many years and provide valuable resources, beneficial ecosystem services and a lasting legacy for future generations.

 ​FinTrU founder and CEO Darragh McCarthy said: “Since our inception in 2013, FinTrU has always had a social purpose to not only provide high-quality employment but to also be committed to social and environmental issues. As we continue to expand, we continue to stay firm in our approach.

“Many of FinTrU’s  employees are based both in Northern Ireland and Donegal so the cross-border initiative to build tree cover across the island of Ireland is one that is a perfect fit for us."

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