Message from FinTrU CEO Darragh McCarthy
Welcome to our 2025 Code of Conduct. It is essential reading to help you understand the standards we all need to meet to work at FinTrU.
We have a unique culture and share a common aim: to do FinTrU Business in a FinTrU Way. This Code of Conduct is a key contributor to our culture and sets out how we should act and behave towards everyone we encounter through our work.
We are trusted by our clients, key stakeholders and by the communities we operate in – and that’s because we have a culture of doing the right thing. The people, products and services that FinTrU provides have made us into an enormously respected, high-performing company. It is important that we all continue to uphold the values that have got us to where we are today. Working in an honest, transparent way and holding ourselves to the highest standards of ethical behaviour is everyone’s responsibility
Please take time to read this Code of Conduct and make sure you refer to it regularly so you’re clear what is expected of you. Each of us has an obligation to take ownership of how FinTrU conducts its business.
As a valued member of the FinTrU team, you must always consider how your actions affect our credibility and integrity. Always ensure that you have ambition with humility.
Thank you
CEO and Founder, FinTrU
FinTrU’s Code of Conduct (“Code”) is designed to help and protect us and sets out the ground rules for everything we do at FinTrU. It is a statement of FinTrU’s commitment to integrity and the highest ethical standards that are expected from all of our employees. It should guide us to make the right decisions when performing our roles.
The 2025 Code will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis, or more regularly when necessary changes are required to be made. The Code is distributed to all employees annually and is published both on FinTrU’s internal policy portal, accessible to all employees, and externally on our company website. Compliance with the Code will be monitored by the Risk & Compliance Manager.
All FinTrU employees, interns and contractors (collectively referred to as “employees”) in all jurisdictions in which we operate, are responsible for understanding and abiding by the Code. Training on key aspects of the Code will be provided to all employees at various intervals.
Whenever an expectation in the Code is unclear, employees should speak with their manager. If employees are uncomfortable speaking with their manager, they can contact Human Resources or the Risk & Compliance Manager for guidance.
All employees have a responsibility to maintain the trust of our clients and stakeholders and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
We expect all employees at all levels within FinTrU to:
As leaders, we expect all managers and supervisors, irrespective of corporate level, to:
The Code and our company culture, which is grounded in our core values of Partnership, Passion, People and Professionalism, guide all our actions.
FinTrU’s Mission statement reinforces the Code and our core values and demonstrates further what we do, how we do it and why we do it. It makes us what we are:
“Empowering our people to drive industry-disrupting, innovative solutions within financial services, making a positive contribution to global clients and local communities.”
We believe that this mission should be conducted in a unique way for us to look after our colleagues, provide outstanding service for our clients and safeguard our reputation. We call it FinTrU Business in a FinTrU Way.
Our Code illustrates what it means to live this mantra with every decision we make and action we take. We want everyone to enjoy coming to work each day and have fun, get involved, nurture yourself and others, win together as a team, respect everyone and, of course, be unique. Ultimately, how we do business at FinTrU is built on a foundation of honesty, integrity and respect. The Code outlines how you can meet these key behaviours.
Every employee has a responsibility to read the Code, understand it and put it into action. By adhering to the Code and doing FinTrU Business in a FinTrU Way, together we are:
Decision Making
When we experience a moral dilemma at work, there may be times where the correct course of action is unclear or challenging. Sometimes, deciding what the right thing to do is not an easy task and may test you.
FinTrU employees make decisions each day and we must evaluate whether those decisions align with the Code. If the answer to any of these questions is no, then do not proceed:
Questions to ask:
Whilst our Code may not provide all the answers to every possible scenario, it should guide decision making. In the absence of a particular policy or procedure, you have a responsibility to use good judgement, comply with the spirit and intent of the Code and seek help from your manager, where appropriate.
Integrity and Ethics
The Code sets out rules and principles which broadly reflect the values and expectations of society. This means acting ethically, with integrity, in a non-discriminatory manner and within the law. It also means treating each other with respect. The Code goes beyond the law and our company policies – it highlights the expectations around your professional integrity and ethical behaviour and acts as a moral compass when faced with difficult situations.
FinTrU is committed to ensuring that all employees, regardless of your role in the Company, act with honesty and integrity, treat clients fairly and exercise sound judgement. Personal accountability and ownership are priorities and we expect you to hold yourself to the highest standards. You should always conduct yourself appropriately when acting on behalf of FinTrU – both inside and outside of the workplace. Your actions should reflect the company’s culture of integrity, dignity and respect.
Always deal fairly and in good faith with our clients, suppliers, competitors, business partners, regulators and colleagues. Never take advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged or confidential information, misrepresentation of fact or other unfair dealings or practices.
FinTrU’s competitive advantage comes from the services and products we offer, our unique culture and you, our people. Never compromise FinTrU’s reputation by engaging, or appearing to engage, in any form of corruption or unethical and/or corrupt business practices. Be alert and escalate activities that are designed to hinder or prevent the detection of improper or illegal activity such as money laundering, tax evasion, fraud or bribery.
When you act with our Code in mind, we earn the trust of our clients, business partners, colleagues and the general public. Trust is more than just a value; it’s the foundation upon which FinTrU was built. By building trust today, we can inspire global trust in tomorrow.
You are responsible for seeking guidance and asking for help if you become aware of potential misconduct, including violations of the Code. This includes wrongdoing within FinTrU or by an external party. FinTrU is committed to fostering an open, safe and transparent workplace where all staff feel comfortable to approach their line manager or a member of senior management to discuss issues openly and candidly. Allegations of misconduct are investigated and managed in an objective, thorough, consistent and timely manner with the goal of understanding and resolving concerns. Confidentiality will be honoured at every stage.
Reporting Channels
Employees are expected to report concerns to their manager. If they are uncomfortable doing so, they can report through the other channels listed below:
Our Whistleblowing service is provided by our external, independent partner Safecall. Reports can be made by current employees, ex-employees or third parties such as suppliers or external stakeholders. Reports to Safecall can be made anonymously. They will be fully investigated internally, and a response will be provided to the person reporting via the Safecall web platform. Details of how to make a report are contained in our Whistleblowing Policy.
You do not have to be certain about a concern. A genuine and honest concern about wrongdoing or misconduct is sufficient.
We investigate all reports of suspected breaches of our Code or policies thoroughly, promptly and confidentially. Where required, all parties involved in an investigation will get a fair hearing to explain the circumstances and present their side of the story.
FinTrU employees are expected to fully cooperate in any internal or external investigation that is being conducted or directed by FinTrU. Employees must not withhold or tamper with information, or in any way attempt to influence others participating in the investigation.
If an investigation reveals that a breach of the Code has occurred, then a disciplinary process may begin in accordance with our Disciplinary Policy. The outcome of this process may involve disciplinary sanctions such as:
The extent of sanctions will depend on the severity of the offence, the offender’s guilt, the background and the circumstances of the violation. In certain cases, breaches may also be reported to relevant law enforcement authorities, which could lead to legal action being instigated.
Commitment to Non-Retaliation
Retaliation will not be tolerated in any way against any employee who reports misconduct or speaks up in good faith about breaches of this Code, company policies or potential non-compliance with the law.
FinTrU will keep the information it receives and the identity of those who report violations of our Code confidential, where possible. FinTrU strictly prohibits any retaliation or intimidation against anyone who, in good faith, shares a potential or actual violation of our Code or assists with an investigation or inquiry. Similarly, FinTrU does not tolerate any attempt to bully or threaten anyone into not speaking up. These behaviours are a serious breach of our Code and could result in disciplinary action, potentially leading to dismissal.
Our people are at the centre of everything we do. Our success is built upon the strength, professionalism, knowledge and resilience of our employees. We want our employees to nurture themselves and others, ensuring that they value their differences and are all treated fairly and respectfully. These behaviours will help to create and build strong partnerships within teams whilst promoting a joyous and inclusive workplace.
Respecting Human Rights
Embracing Diversity, Inclusion and Equality
Promoting a Safe and Healthy Workplace
Fostering a Respectful and Professional Workplace
Our long-term success depends greatly on safeguarding and protecting our company and its assets. We do this by ensuring a right first-time approach, applying appropriate controls in our daily roles, acting with integrity and always abiding by relevant policies and legislation to protect our company from risks.
Protecting Personal Information
Internal Information Controls
Protecting Our Assets
Intellectual Property and Proprietary Information
Accurate Records and Disclosures
Preventing Bribery and Corruption
You must not:
Anti-Money Laundering
Political Activities
Communicating Responsibly
We aim to showcase our passion for our industry and how our wealth of knowledge and expertise can have a positive impact. Our goal is to always exceed the highest standards in client service delivery and technology solutions, whilst avoiding conflicts of interest and building successful and trusting partnerships.
Delivering Beyond Client Expectations
Creating Innovative Technology Products
Honest Practices and Fair Competition
Responsibilities to Our Clients
Preventing Insider Trading and Abuse
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
Accepting Gifts and Hospitality
We all appreciate the role each of us plays in our communities. They are where we live, work, socialise, learn and develop. Each employee must try their best to always protect and care for our communities as this will support a brighter future for our society. FinTrU is passionate about engaging with charities and local communities to make positive contributions and we encourage you all to get involved.
Protecting the Environment
Contributing to Our Communities
Our values define who we are as a company. They form the foundations upon which FinTrU operates its business and should help guide each of us in our daily roles. This Code embodies these values and is at the heart of what we do.
Following the Portuguese National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2-24, Decree-Law no. 109-E/2021 was published in the official Journal on 9 December 2021, creating the National Anti-Corruption Mechanism (“MENAC”) and approving the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (“GPRC”).
THE GRPC requires in-scope entities to adopt and implement a Regulatory Compliance Programme (“RCP”) to prevent, detect and sanction possible acts of corruption and related offences carried out against of through the entity in question. The RCP must include at least the following elements:
FinTrU Limited is a private limited company registered in the United Kingdom with offices in Portugal that employ more than 50 employees, thus is obliged to comply with the GRPC.
FinTrU’s Code of Conduct outlines the core principles applicable to all the activities of FinTrU Ltd. This Appendix to the Code addresses specific, additional requirements of the Portuguese GRPC.
I. Prevention of Criminal Risks
FinTrU is strongly committed to compliance with all applicable regulations and legislation in force in each of the jurisdictions in which we operate.
Accordingly, we have drawn up a Risk Prevention Plan (“RPP”) for Portugal, following the regime set forth in the GRPC, which establishes the rules and procedures to prevent the commission of crimes at our Portuguese offices, to reduce the risk of their commission and facilitate their rapid detection. Acting in compliance with our RPP and the GRPC is mandatory for all our Portuguese-based employees.
The RPP regulates all aspects relating to the prevention of criminal risks including their identification, classification and mitigation and will be published on our website.
II. Disciplinary Measures and Sanctions
Disciplinary actions following a violation of this Code of Conduct and/or other internal policies may involve disciplinary sanctions such as a verbal warning, a written warning, suspension pending the outcome of an investigation or termination of employment, depending on the severity of the offence, the offender’s guilt, the background and the circumstances of the violation.
III. Criminal Penalties for Bribery, Corruption and Related Offenses
Violations of Portuguese law in the case of bribery, corruption and related offenses may result in criminal prosecution, leading to the imposition of criminal penalties as follows (without prejudice to mitigating or aggravating circumstances provided for by law):
Crimes in the Penal Code (Decree-Law No. 48/95, of March 15) |
Corruption |
Practice or omission of any act, whether lawful or unlawful, in exchange for receiving undue financial or non-financial advantage, for oneself or for a third party. |
Articles 372 to 374-A of the Penal Code |
Undue receipt or offer of advantage |
When the official, in the exercise of their duties or because of them, by themselves, or through an intermediary, with their consent or ratification, requests or accepts, for themselves or for a third party, a financial or non-financial advantage that is not due to them. |
Article 372, No. 1 of the Penal Code |
Embezzlement |
When the official illegitimately appropriates for their own benefit or that of another person, money or any movable property, public or private, that has been entrusted to them, is in their possession or is accessible to them by reason of their duties. |
Article 375, No. 1 of the Penal Code |
Embezzlement of use |
When the official uses or allows another person to use, immovable property, vehicle, or other movable property or animal of appreciable value, public or private, that has been entrusted to them, is in their possession or is accessible to them by reason of their duties. |
Article 376 of the Penal Code |
Economic participation in business |
When the official who, with the intention of obtaining, for themselves or for a third party, illicit economic participation, harms in a legal transaction the patrimonial interests that, in whole or in part, they are responsible for, by reason of their function, administering, supervising, defending or carrying out. |
Article 377, No. 1 of the Penal Code |
Extortion |
When the official, in the exercise of their duties or de facto powers arising from them, by themselves or through an intermediary with their consent or ratification, receives, for themselves, for the State or for a third party, by inducing error or taking advantage of the victim's error, a financial advantage that is not due to them, or is greater than what is due, namely contribution, fee, emolument, fine or penalty. |
Article 379 of the Penal Code |
Abuse of power |
When the official abuses powers or violates duties inherent to their functions, with the intention of obtaining, for themselves or for a third party, an illegitimate benefit or causing harm to another person. |
Article 382 of the Penal Code |
Influence peddling |
When someone by themselves or through an intermediary, with their consent or ratification, requests or accepts, for themselves or for a third party, a financial or non-financial advantage, or its promise, to abuse their influence, real or supposed, with any public entity. |
Article 335 of the Penal Code |
Money laundering |
When the official converts, transfers, assists or facilitates any conversion or transfer operation of advantages, obtained by themselves or by a third party, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of concealing their illicit origin, or to prevent the author or participant of these infractions from being criminally prosecuted or subjected to a criminal reaction. |
Article 368-A of the Penal Code |
Crimes under Law No. 34/87, of July 16 (crimes of responsibility of political office holders) |
Corruption |
When the holder of a political office, by themselves or through an intermediary, with their consent or ratification, requests or accepts, for themselves or for a third party, a financial or non-financial advantage, which is not due to them, as consideration for making a decision contrary to the duties of the office, within the scope of their functions. |
Article 17 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Undue receipt or offer of advantage |
When the holder of a political office, in the exercise of their duties or because of them, by themselves or through an intermediary, with their consent or ratification, requests or accepts, for themselves or for a third party, a financial or non-financial advantage, which is not due to them. |
Article 16 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Embezzlement |
When the holder of a political office, in the exercise of their duties, illegitimately appropriates for their own benefit or that of another person, money or any movable property, public or private, that has been entrusted to them, is in their possession or is accessible to them by reason of their duties. |
Article 20 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Embezzlement of use |
When the holder of a political office uses or allows another person to use, immovable property, vehicle, or other movable property or animal of appreciable value, public or private, that has been entrusted to them, is in their possession or is accessible to them by reason of their duties. |
Article 21 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Embezzlement by error of another |
When the holder of a political office, in the exercise of their duties, but taking advantage of the circumstantial error of another, receives for themselves or for a third party fees, emoluments or other amounts not due or of a value greater than what is due. |
Article 22 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Economic participation in business |
When the holder of a political office who, with the intention of obtaining, for themselves or for a third party, illicit economic participation, harms in a legal transaction the patrimonial interests that, in whole or in part, they are responsible for, by reason of their functions, administering, supervising, defending or carrying out, as well as when the holder of a political office receives a financial advantage for the celebration of an act relating to interests over which, by virtue of their office, they have at that moment the powers of disposition, administration or supervision, even if they do not harm them. |
Article 23 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Abuse of power |
When the holder of a political office abuses powers or violates duties inherent to their functions, with the intention of obtaining, for themselves or for a third party, an illegitimate benefit or causing harm to another person. |
Article 26 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Prevarication |
When the holder of a political office, in the exercise of their duties, intervenes in a process in which they make unlawful decisions with the intention of harming or benefiting someone. |
Article 11 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Breach of secrecy |
When the holder of a political office reveals a secret that they have become aware of or has been entrusted to them by virtue of their duties, with the intention of obtaining an undue benefit for themselves or a third party or to cause harm to a public interest or that of a third party. |
Article 27 of Law No. 34/87, of July 16 |
Crimes under Law No. 20/2008, of April 21 (criminal regime of corruption in international trade and the private sector) |
Corruption prejudicial to international trade |
Practice of any act or omission, directly or indirectly, in the sense of giving or promising to an official, national, foreign or of an international organization, or to a holder of political office, national or foreign, or to a third party with knowledge of those, an undue financial or non-financial advantage, with a view to obtaining or retaining a business, contract or other undue advantage in international trade. |
Article 7 of Law No. 20/2008, of April 21 |
Corruption in the private sector |
Practice of any act or omission, directly or indirectly, in the sense of requesting or accepting, for themselves or for a third party, an undue advantage or promise of undue financial or non-financial advantage, in exchange for any act or omission that constitutes a violation of their functional duties. |
Article 8 of Law No. 20/2008, of April 21 |
Crimes under Decree-Law No. 28/84, of January 20 (anti-economic offenses and against public health) |
Fraud in obtaining a subsidy or grant |
When the official provides to the competent authorities or entities inaccurate or incomplete information about themselves or third parties and relating to facts important for the granting of a subsidy or grant; omit information about important facts; use a supporting document obtained through inaccurate or incomplete information; in order to obtain a subsidy or grant. |
Article 36 of Decree-Law No. 28/84, of January 20 |
Fraud in obtaining credit |
When the official submits a proposal for the granting, maintenance or modification of credit conditions, containing: a) Inaccurate or incomplete written information intended to accredit them or important for the decision on the credit application; b) Documentation, relating to the economic situation, inaccurate or incomplete, namely balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, general descriptions of |
Article 36 of Decree-Law No. 28/84, of January 20 |
Document Control |
Document name: |
FinTrU Code of Conduct |
Version: |
1.0 |
Document Approver: |
General Counsel & Regulatory Compliance Officer |
Date of Approval: |
March 2025 |
Publication Date |
March 2025 |
Next review by: |
March 2026 |